Fire Safety Training


Fire Safety, as well as Health & Safety, legislation requires that all staff receive training and instruction in your fire safety and evacuation procedures. Fire safety training should form part of the induction program for all new members of staff. Best practice is for the induction program to take place in the first day a new staff member joins the business. However, at the very latest, it should take place within their first few days. 

Fire Safety Induction Training

Fire safety induction training should involve taking staff on a tour of the building; showing them all the fire exits, exit routes the safe Assembly Point.  

All staff should know how to raise an alarm if they discover a fire, and the location of all the alarm call points.

All staff are required to have instruction in the procedures to be followed in the event they either discover a fire or hear the fire alarm (which should be tested at the same time each week). And all staff should take part in regular fire evacuation drills (recommended to take place twice each year).

Fire Safety Training

A good practice would be to provide all staff with training in general fire safety awareness. This would include discussions on what hazards could cause a fire and what additional risks to bee aware of that might help a fire to develop and spread. If all staff understand the hazards and risks present in their areas of work, they can help prevent a fire from starting in the first place.

In short… benefit from a safer business.

It might also be beneficial for a number of senior staff to have particular responsibilities in the event of a fire emergency (Fire Wardens or Fire Marshals). These people would also require specialist training that might include the correct selection and safe use of fire extinguishers.

What We Offer

DB Fire Safety Limited provide a variety of training courses including online courses that can be carried out in a modular format. Our courses include:

General Fire Safety Awareness
Fire Warden / Fire Marshal Training
Fire Safety Training for Care Home staff
Fire Warden Training for Care Home staff
Online E-Learning Courses (including specialist courses for Care Home staff)

For more information:

For more information on all of our training courses, you can:
call for FREE on 0800 772 0559
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