New UK Fire Safety Legislation For Landlords

With effect from the 1st October 2015, there will be new UK Fire Safety Legislation for Landlords.  The new regulations will make it compulsory for all landlords to fit smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in rented properties.

House FireThis legislation will mean that a smoke alarm must be fitted on each floor of the premises. For properties with a solid burning appliance there will be a requirement to fit a carbon monoxide detector.

It will be the responsibility of landlords to check that these alarms are fitted and working at the commencement of each tenancy. If they choose to disobey this new legislation and fail to comply, they will face the possibility of a penalty of up to £5,000.

It’s not all one way traffic though.  Tenants will also be given some responsibility too. There will be a requirement for tenants to test the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms on a weekly basis. Any faults must be reported to the landlord or agency.

It has been reported that people are at least four times more likely to die in a house fire if no smoke alarm has been fitted. Our hope is that this new legislation will make homes significantly safer for tenants.


DB Fire Safety carries out fire risk assessments of student ccommodation

DB Fire Safety is proud to be involved in carrying out fire risk assessments of student accommodation.

Parents of children living away from home while studying at universities would be delighted to know that their safety was taken seriously. This is particularly the case when that accommodation is in an HMO (aa house in multiple occupancy).

A fire risk assessment in student accommodation ensures that managing agents are made aware of any obvious risks and hazards that exist. They can then take steps to remove, or at least minimise, the hazard.

Issues assessed include confirming that all necessary electrical and gas safety inspections have been carried out and that certifications are in date.

DB Fire Safety Ltd specialises in carrying out fire risk assessments of HMOs.

For more information call:

0800 772 0559 OR

Fire Risk Assessments Annual Review

The Fire Safety Order requires that all businesses (regardless of size or type) carrybout a fire risk assessment of their premises.

However, it is not sufficient simply to carry out a fire risk assessment then file it in a drawer. Avfire risk assessment should be a living document. There could be alterations to the building; staff levels might change; the nature of occupancy might change. Additionally, the Fire Safety Order requires that a fire risk assessment should be reviewed regularly; and best practice is regarded as at least annually.

DB Fire Safety offer fire risk assessments as a service privided at extremely competitive rates.

For more information, phone 0800 772 0559 OR Email:

Fire Safety: A Burning Issue for Hotels

There are over 45,000 hotels in the UK and fire safety is of paramount importance, not least because non-compliance with legislation can result in loss of life, loss of revenue, fines and imprisonment.

From small B&Bs to large hotels, the main legal responsibilities are the same. Hotel owners and managers need to be aware of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO); the current law in England and Wales. The FSO required one individual to be named as the ‘Responsible Person’ for a building – generally deemed to be the owner, manager or employer.

Quite often a hotel manager can be the designated Responsible Person without knowing it and without any fire safety knowledge or training. However, just because they are listed as the Responsible Person doesn’t mean they need to know everything about fire safety; someone else can be nominated to be a ‘Competent Person’ for the premises and receive training accordingly.

Do You Comply?


PHONE: 0800 772 0559




Fire Station gutted in fire!!!

When the retained fire fighters were called out this week to a fire they arrived at their fire station only to find that it was their own building that was ablaze.

The fire, that had started in the garage area, completely destroyed the £250,000 fire engine as well as the remainder of the building.

Red-faced fire brigade chiefs have thanked the local police for raising the alarm and storing the new replacement fire engine at the local police station.


Keep your Home safe this year – install smoke alarms

It is common knowledge that you are 50% more likely to die in a fire at home if you do not have a working smoke alarm. A working smoke alarm will provide you with early warning of a fire and give you more time to get out to safety.

Although all homes should have a minimum of one, I would recommended that you have a heat detector in or near the kitchen with a smoke detector on each landing. Individual homes may benefit from even more smoke alarms.

Best practice is to use mains-operated smoke alarms with integral battery back-up that are interlinked to provide early warning throughout the home. A good alternative is to have wireless smoke alarms that link to each other via radio signals.

Whatever you do….test all smoke alarms regularly and change the batteries at least once a year.

If you do have a fire….remember not to panic and make sure everyone in the household knows the quickest/safest route out to safety. In some cases it may be useful to have an escape ladder available.

In any event….happy new year and…..keep safe.