General Fire Safety Awareness Training

Fire Safety Awareness

Regardless of legislation, however, I consider it of great benefit to provide all staff with an understanding of general fire safety awareness. This helps them recognise  the hazards and risks within the business as a whole, and in their area of work in particular. Hopefully, following suitable training, they will ensure that they do not endanger your business through unsafe practices. They will also be more aware of potential hazards and therefore more inclined to bring them to your attention.


Fire Safety, as well as Health & Safety, legislation requires that all staff receive training and instruction in your fire safety and evacuation procedures. This involves providing all staff with knowledge in how to raise an alarm in the event of a fire as well as the location of all alarm activation devices. It also includes showing them all the potential fire exits from thye building as well as the location of the safe Assembly Area. 

All the above should be included in the induction program for all new members of staff.

In short… benefit from a safer business.

What We Offer

DB Fire Safety Ltd provide general fire safety awareness training both on your premises and at our Training Centre in Peterborough.

The course in general fire safety awareness includes training in the following topics:

  •     fire safety legislation
  •     what is fire
  •     fire hazards and risks
  •     fire safety precautions
  •     fire extinguishers and how to use them
  •     questions & course critique


Delegates on all fire safety training courses receive appropriate certification.


Where training is carried out on your premises, the fee will depend on:

A) the number of delegates


B) the number of courses required during the day

Fees for delegates attending one of our ‘open’ courses will vary from time to time – simply ask the question!


For further information:

call today on: 0800 772 0559


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